
Basic Index

The following code prints the first five whole numbers one line at a time:

for (i in 1:5){
  1. Modify the code to print three times each of the numbers from 1 to 5 one line at a time.
  2. Modify the code to print three times each of the numbers from 6 to 10 one line at a time.
  3. Use the vector of the first five odd numbers produced by seq(1, 9, by = 2) to print the first five odd numbers squared one line at a time. Use a descriptive variable to identify the index values such as for (odd in odds).
  4. Modify your for loop from task 3 to paste() and print a statement for each odd number in the form “odd squared is odd_squared”.
  5. Create a vector of a seq() of numbers from 5 to 50 by 5 and use it in a for loop to generate another vector of those numbers squared. Your for loop should look something like:

    output <- c()
    for (number in _____) {
      _____ <- _____^2
      output <- c(output, number_squared)
[click here for output]